Residential Water Damage Repair & Restoration
This residential space previous water damage, mold infestation due to poor air circulation and exterior drainage.
Haller Company went to work and within 3 days had restored the space back to a useable, mold free space by stripping out all the waste material, then sucking out all the moister from the air and surrounding material, treating the area for mold and finally finishing the walls and floor in a mold resistant coating.


This residential space had a water pipe that severed in the garage and caused water damage within the walls, floors and ceiling
Haller Company went to work and within 3 days had restored the space back to a useable, mold free space by stripping out all the damaged particle board, sheetrock and waste material, then sucking out all the moister from the air and surrounding material, treating the area for mold and finally finishing the entire space in a mold resistant coating.
